For this week's IF prompt (Eighties), I made this quick sketch with a bic pen on graph paper. I found some change, and went straight to Kinko's to scan and upload it to photobucket.
I came here to the library (where it's free) to post it to here, and to upload a couple of photos I'd saved to disc...of Rusty and Elizabeth. (I named her for the movie star, cuz I put purple in the threads I used to embroider her eyes.)

I see you are talented in areas other than graphics... sigh....sometimes I wish I had the artist gene in me. Violet eyes - Elizabeth is perfect, and Rusty is well, quite a Doll ;-)
Very nicely balanced Tsin 8Ts image! Elizabeth and Rusty are welcome to the AnonyMonsters' T parties (teaT) anytime!
Very accomplished fiber art there!
You weren't, by any chance, playing Tetris on that plane ride home, were you?
I like it.
I really like the drawing. Welcome back, neighbor.
Google Alan Shields. I think you'll like him, too.
Your new avatar is stunning - love it. Is there anything that isn't beautiful about you? :-) Happy dold Friday to you way up in Montana :-) It isn't spring here either really - although the flowers are a bit confused. It has been so cold that everything has withered and turned black. Even the bewildered bulbs which pushed up and actually flowered are weak and spindley.
Your new avatar is stunning - love it. Is there anything that isn't beautiful about you? :-) Happy dold Friday to you way up in Montana :-) It isn't spring here either really - although the flowers are a bit confused. It has been so cold that everything has withered and turned black. Even the bewildered bulbs which pushed up and actually flowered are weak and spindley.
Eight T's, huh? Very original illo this week.
I love Rusty and Elizabeth. Can I get a couple of them too. They'd look great sitting in my rocking chair with my homemade quilt [well, I didn't home make it!] but they'd look so cute sitting on it.
I bet my neighbor would love a couple for her grand-daughter. I'm going to send her a picture of R and E in an email.
I'll send my neighbor the link for this site so she can see how talented you are.
I'm sorry about the repeats - blogger hated me yesterday ..:-(
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