With all his heart and soul
George loved his shiny bowl
with its shiny little handles
and itty bitty holes.
He wore it on his head,
when communing with the dead.
When he wouldn't talk to men from Mars,
they talked to him, instead.
George loved his shiny bowl
with its shiny little handles
and itty bitty holes.
He wore it on his head,
when communing with the dead.
When he wouldn't talk to men from Mars,
they talked to him, instead.
Yowza! i totally dig this! he is communicating with other beings via the spaghetti strainer! I love your out there ideas it's so refreshing! Your new avatar is very cool too!
I prefer aluminium foil hats! But it's just my opinion....
too fragile...and the wrinkles can interfere during sun flares.
LOVE this Cat!!! I feel such depth in that universal space of yours. And that's quite a hot shirt! It's always a pleasure stopping by to see you :)
You gave me a good chuckle! Very original!
Certainly different and cool.
Hhehehheee A holey Slave!
he must have loved spaghetti so much! they were just invisible in your image isn't it?
i like the color of the pshirt!
HAHAHHAHA great poem there. makes me laugh lol. We already knew GW was nuts but this really gives ya insight lol.
Oh! The lady where I live have a bowl like that! ...I thought she was just talking alone!
I don't talk alone!
And this illustration is fantastic!
Love the poem too!
Hah! This is awesome! It's a spaced-out Magritte:>
I have a...hat just like that. It has so many dual purposes. Now we all know what they are. LOL
Very creative, Cat.
lol for some reason it reminds me of that tv show
"my favorite martian" nice idea and great shirt
I wonder if that would work when talking to the shadow people?
P.S. the Kettle Corn does come in chocolate:-)
One way communication is rude. It's rude of them to treat him like he's not there.
I love the poem and the artwork. It is so kind of you to share your gift.
Judging by his appearance, George is under something of a strain.
You have a wonderful mind, cat, and the creative right stuff and technique to bring it to light. Thanks for all the treats.
Great story Cat.. and strainer too!
Thanx for your kind words on my log, and yes, i too hope i get better :)
very nice! :)
haha, your imagination is great, love the illo and poem!
sprout was great too!
I would TOTALLY come over and strip and wax your kitchen floor RIGHT NOW.
You just made my night, though, anyone as talented as you calling me a goddess (even if in jest) i can just go and die happy now.
Does God speak to George through those itty bitty holes? There's a surprising depth to your creativity, Cat. What's your muse?
Is there a sequel to Signs coming out soon?
Fun piece! Love the poetry that follows. Was the illo inspired by the poetry or the other way around?
Amazing yet again...I totally dig your stuff. You are soooo original!
Cosmicaly zany and wacked out! Simply beyond surreal! Love it!
Fabulous! Communicating with Aliens with a simple collander!
It reminds me of:
1. Don Quixotte
2. How in Australia there was a "fashion" at one stage to stop magpies dive bombing you, you wore a decorated ice cream tub on your head, very stylist. Only for kids.
Love your work, I will be back for another visit.
Oh my, you've been touched by the poetry gods!
me encantan tu dibujos, enhorabuena
Wonderful! Very original and made me laugh out loud.
A fun combination of poem and illo!
haha this is wonderful! Love the little poem!
he needs a cardboard box space ship
i'll make it and mail it to you
I love your works! So unique.. make me stop and think.
colander george
colander george
heard voices from a planet red
colander george
colander george
couldn't seem to find his head
colander george
colander george
strained his brains into the sky
colander george
colander george
buttoned his shirt and zipped his fly
safe within a collar purple
and fluent in the Martian lingo
he just needed a submarine
to share with John, Paul, and Ringo!
Georgie Porragie pudden' and pie.
Put on his hat and listened to the sky.
When the Martians came out to play, Georgie Porragie had his say.
What a treat! You just keep getting better and better!
Is he too lonely?
Hello George! *waving*
That is FABULOUS! Are you a children's book writer?
That was fantastic; you should do "Liberal Nursery Rhymes."
LOL. I guess Dick gets the tin-foil hat.
itty bitty
i love it.. and this phrase brought back a time in high school when i once answered a rather sever teacher using the term to describe small countries... in the Domino theory i think...
he told me small would do... but i like itty bitty better
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