meant standing quite still in the sun's golden glow.
With nothing to do, he let his mind wander.
And of sunshine and gold, he started to ponder
After many such hours in god's holy light,
it occured to the crow with birdly insight:
"This endless shining has made it quite clear;
June twentyfirst is the longest day of the year!"

Just love your illustration!
This is a wonderful blog! I came here via a comment you left on my blog and am so glad that I did.
MWAHAHHAHHHAAAA. It's the shortest down under! Chrysippus Crow should migrate next year :)
That illustration kicks ass.
I think this is one of your best illustrations, Cat. So crisp and clean. Your poem is very good too.
Happy Solstice
Love the glow of the light on the little guy's bum.
Ohh how cute! Wonderful job!:)
Love the poem this week with the illo, where do you get your ideas?!
violet, nick, sandy, silverneurotic, and angela: thank you. thank you!
anonymous winged creature: i think chyrsippus would like living upside down.
twisselman: i think he likes it too.
bookbabie: i'm not sure where they come from. the doggerel usually comes easily...i get to giggling, and all sorts of stuff comes to mind.
my "serious" [cough] poetry comes rarely. it just kinda hits me. some of it has never been edited. it sits as it occured to me. i feel like someone just sorta whispers them to me...
i really enjoy doggerel. i actually have a badpoet blog with nothing but...and intend to move most of it here. i worry that some of it's PG, though...and wonder if some readers will object.
As always, I love your illustration and your words. You are an inspiration.
Fantastic, Cat. Its funny - I had quite the day, this solstice. I was thinking about maybe posting about it - TK's longest day: Me and Chrysippus.
Ya gotta love that crow, awrightee! I'm sitting here quietly LMAO @ anonymous (again!) - do send a case of Red Stripe, 1 for me, 1 for cat, Chrysippus to be rewarded with the shiny caps - and we can let the darned "migration" begin! (burp!) :D
I'm flying out of here ....!
That glowing egg's too hot, and it's never going to hatch- no matter how long you sit on it!
heeeeeee. it's not that kinda labor.
but boy, a couple of egg salad sandwiches would sure taste good right about now...
"birdly insight" - good line. Haven't been by in a while - have missed your wit and illustrating style. Hope you are enjoying your summer where it is now warm...
PS: Are you a Plain Tiger butterfly fan?
You CAN'T eat BoiledEggInADeckchair! He's ROTTEN!
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