LOL, a wonderful illustration that reminds me of an old line from "The Honeymooners" TV show. Ed Norton asks Ralph, "how can anybody so round be so square?"
NO ONE WILL BE EATING ME FOR DINNER! Hello there crow ;) *wink, wink* Hey, if you ripped his legs, wings and beak off, he would look like a ROTTEN BoiledEggWithAnUmbrella! Mwhahhahhaaaaa ...
Nice. This will put me to bed with a smile on my face. I needed one. Thanks Love. So, much good stuff I've been missing. It's gonna take a while for me to catch up. :-) love
He is sassyfied!
Oh, I like, I like, I like! Thanks, Catnapping - how'd you know I have a thing for animal prints?
any man who can handle three women at once...i knew you'd be one for animal pelts...
I love love love his speedo! Perfect little hot bird bod!
Ooh, Cat, I love what you've done with TK. Please tell me that's a thong he's wearing. My my even an umbrella for when it gets ummmmm
Very imaginative and beautifully rendered.
He's darling and fearless, my kind of crow:)
HA !HA !! Fun piece!
oh what a delight! i love this!
*LOL* Love this one, both the illo and the poem. Great take on the theme!
Is that faux-fur? Beauty.
LOL, a wonderful illustration that reminds me of an old line from "The Honeymooners" TV show. Ed Norton asks Ralph, "how can anybody so round be so square?"
This gave me a big chuckle!! I love the bird series so far. And the poem was hilarious!
hehe... brilliant! you just made my day :) wonderful illustration!
The illustration is great...I love that it came with the extra bonus of a poem. Thanks for sharing your humor.
That's one sexy crow you have there
Funny one :)
Nice poem...and nice suit!
I worry about his eggmaker falling out!
That is the best cuckoo I've ever seen and best dressed one too.
lol it ain't the speedo those chicks are after its his umbrella dont let em fool ya ; )
Have you ever seen a fat man in a thong? It's not funny. It's an abomination against God and Nature.
Эта птица делает мной смех. Придурковато для того чтобы увидеть одежды на тучной птице. Ha Ha.
yeay this is the cutest thing ever :-)
Ha! Love the illo and the poem!
i love your idea very good thankyou for your nice comment on my blog
This is an absolute hoot!... love the pattern on his speedo, to boot!
Lookin' good!
Love this!
LOLOLOL Those words are in a song.Now I have that song stuck in my head.
What a wonderful piece. :) Thanks for sharing!
BIRDIES!!!! LOTS AND LOTS OF THEM!!!! PASS THE SALT!!!! Love your drawings, fellow Hellcat! Mbhahhahahah! Especially when they are edible! *drooling*
Don't eat my birdies! I need them for another illustration!
well....if you must...try not to get teethmarks in the speedos, ey?
I see anon has sprouted wings...I wonder if we should have her over for...dinner.
hilarious.... just plain hilarious! Thanks!
A cute hoot,Cat.(I saw some similar "suits" last week in the jungle.)
Oh my G_D!!! This is the best of show. I love this!!!
You made me laugh out loud!!!
Happy Wednesday smooches,
The Tart
; *
NO ONE WILL BE EATING ME FOR DINNER! Hello there crow ;) *wink, wink* Hey, if you ripped his legs, wings and beak off, he would look like a ROTTEN BoiledEggWithAnUmbrella! Mwhahhahhaaaaa ...
Most excellent submission };-}
Really enjoyed this poem, AND the great artwork. Thanks for stopping by Poetic Alchemist. Best wishes, Don Iannone
Great picture! I love the way you've rendered the rain and floor!
Love the speedo, very funny. Nice illustration.
oh! I should titled this, "thongbird!"
How suave!
Very funny!
Anette Heiberg
Wow! He's such a bombon!
Simply adorable.
Here's the speedo! *throwing the speedo* *burps*
This will put me to bed with a smile on my face. I needed one.
Thanks Love.
So, much good stuff I've been missing. It's gonna take a while for me to catch up. :-)
I like this illo, is very funny and imaginative thanks for this
Super design on the birds! and funny deal...
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