spring in the city - sunny and clear.
Fully inflated squadrons of roundbirds,
tethered together, drawing us near.
All of a sudden, one of the birdies
broke from formation leaving his peers.
Hellbent for leather, turning in spirals,
bravely the maverick shot into gear.
Corkscrewing contrails, powered by flatus
thundering forcefully straight from his rear,
thrust daring Chrysippus into the wildest,
into the bluest, yon stratosphere.
Escaping Earth's gravity, bouncing off satellites,
blowing past asteroids, showing no fear,
Destiny calling, heaven-bound Chrysippus
hurtled towards his final frontier.

- - - -
an alternative wimpy ending (this would need a final verse to follow the rubbery-fluttered one I've written here):
Fuel nearly spent, now totally breathless,
reaching the zenith of his career,
rubbery fluttered, Chrysippus wondered,
"What in the hell am I doing here?"
Fuel nearly spent, now totally breathless,
reaching the zenith of his career,
rubbery fluttered, Chrysippus wondered,
"What in the hell am I doing here?"
A shout out and thank you for TenaciousK. Your teasing remarks early on are what inspired me to find new adventures for roundbirds, Chrysippus Crow and Circular Joe.
wow - thanks, catnapping. I love it!
I have felt like Master Chrisyppus on often, however- at the zenith, "out of gas"...
Thanks for the shout-out, c'nipping.
BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT! Your post has made my day Catnapping, so much fun! Stunning colour and glad I didn't have to wear a gas mask ;)
TK: Gettin' old, ain't ya? Good think yer so cute. And smart. And -oops- engaged to be married. Damn.
Anon: My favorite thing about balloon farts - they don't stink.
LMAO! Another perfect pair of images with this hilarious poem. Ut oh! Here come the grandkids, "pull Poppa's finger"! (giggles and squeals all around - who'd a thunk it?) ... but, ut oh! Those weren't balloon farts! :O
This is hilarious. You rock.
Hooray for the return of the rhyming roundbirds!
This is great! I love the bright colors!
This is one of the most creatively imaginative exercises with words in verse and light and sound I've come across. I love it!! Thanks for the joy.
Hey there, from a former Missoulian now an Alaskan! I stumbled on your site via Tundra Medicine Dreams.
Fun stuff! I look foward to perusing your blog! From the looks of your side bar, we have a lot of the same views.
I miss Missoula in the spring...*sigh*
Love those roundbirds, from Pete over at 4&20
So entertaining!! You really are clever, clever, clever!
Lovely, Ms. Catnapping! You have lightened my old heart this afternoon.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how your brain works. Lovely and I smiled so much. I was actually giggling while reading your poem. You are so cool Cat!
Epic! I spotted Chrysippus in the night sky off Siesta Key. He was gaining on my grandfather, whom we lost to a final amazing finger-pull that launched him years ago. My parents still think he wandered off...
Great work Cat! Love the funny poem too!
Haha, excellent words and illos!! very clever stuff!
Welcome to the King Jack Appreciation Society Catnapping! Keep those feathers on BWARK! BWARK!
King Jack
lol this is fun! first thing i thought of.. Anon would luv this. and yeah now i see on the comments page that she does. 8)
i havent written a poem for a while and havent visited here either, good thing i have you on my links!
More great stuff.
You really should pursue publishing a book of these works.
thanks for the big smile. might have to name a future rock band Powered by Flatus.
I love it! That was awesome.
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