14 January 2009

Red Poppies


get zapped said...

Eloquent. I love the warm colors and interesting textures. Thank for commenting on my cascade post and for linking to your wonderful mountains!

Cindy said...

Gorgeous! How big is this? It seems to me that it would be stunning in whatever size - quite large and quite small.

I love it!

fat B said...

This is a dramatic composition. It's almost perfect in its balance, and your textures are intriguing.

Catnapping said...

It's dimensions in inches: about 5 by 7.

It's 369px by 522px. I made it in my computer using my mouse.

The textures were made from squiggling and just drawing a bunch of short straight lines, and then partially erasing them...stuff like that...just trying to make it scratchy.

The kanji is not handwritten, but typed and then copy/pasted into the image.

Thank you for your comments. I really like these colours together...the reds and deeper golds.

Aaron said...

Very well done. What does the kanji say?

Sandy said...

I really like this new style for your illo...it is wonderful.


Kim said...

Very elegant work. I love the colors and the simplicity.

Catnapping said...

The kanji, 雛芥子, (hinageshi)is japanese for red poppy. It isn't literal, except for the poppy part.

a. 雛 is for hina...which in this case...doll and/or toddler (the etymology goes way back to china...and the word, 'sprout'

b. and 芥子 is the kanji for poppy (which when written alone, is 'keshi' though it is also used for for the word mustard...but is then pronounced differently...so never mind- mustard seeds, poppy seeds...almost the same thing, right?)

studio lolo said...

What a beauty! I don't know how to do a thing on the computer as far as digital art. My greeting card program doesn't count :)

I love the Japanese characters. They always add such a nice design element. And yes, the red and gold are so good together.
beautiful Cat!

Anonymous said...

You are doing some lovely work, Cat. Thankyou for the explanations.

Archaeopteryx said...

Arty stole my word. This is stunning.

Heather said...

Beautiful and so restful. I love poppies. (and birds, as you can tell from your comment on my heron illustration.)

Andrea said...

This is very lovely and simle, a good reminder that simplicity is beautiful. Cheers cat!

Bravo on the fight hate banner as well.