15 October 2005


When winter
comes to Montana,
our lakes freeze over,
and anyone
wishing for lake trout
must cut a hole
in the ice

...and wait

[click on image for details]


carla said...

I can't for the life of me figure out why people like to do that! I think you captured just the right look above water, the figure seems to be covered in frost! It really looks very cold...

Anonymous said...

Brrrr ... I love your collage, they are fun to make and those bubbles and hook look real? Your fisherperson has a very warm coat and I like your imaginary trout - so much more attractive than the real thing :)

Catnapping said...

i got my inspiration from a belt buckle that shows a couple of men ice fishing (like this is something to celebrate on a pair of jeans?)

but it's in two layers: above and below.

AND...lol...i have seen quilts of side profiles of bonnet girls, and recently saw one of girls in hooded coats. So I got to thinkin...what would a quilt about ice fishing look like? Should someone make one?

After all, if it's important enough to put on a belt buckle...

Catnapping said...

I live in Missoula...a couple of hours away. (which to us Montanans is nothing, lol).

The cows still outnumber us 6 to 1. Thank God, they're not mad.

Sandy said...

I love the cold but I don't think I'd enjoy standing on a frozen lake fishing.

Love the bright colors you use in your illistrations, so pleasing to the eye.

The Unknown said...

I love your picture! That ice looks thin! Watch out!
Maybe the belt buckle was won at the ice fishing rodeo?

Frederick said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments. Feel free to come back any time and talk politics

JacqueLynn said...

wow, the texture, the feel the simplicity are delightful

Pusha V said...

Nice cold image. The picture is refreshing. Ramen no topping lol. It is kind of like lo mein.

LDahl said...

This would make a great card. I love the idea for an ice fishing quilt. Ice blocks:)

R. Soler said...

¡Qué suerte!
En Madrid (Spain) eso no sucede.

manomecchi said...

WOwww!very cute!
I love colours!It seems to be a sand picture.

Andrea said...

This is great! I love the fish...she doesn't seem to give a darn about the hook! Yeah!

Also, thanks for stopping my blog!

Catnapping said...

yep, that hook's useless, folks. the string broke. maybe the fish bit it...dunno. But our fisherman's gonna be waiting a long time for her quilt patch trout.

milanrubio said...

great double-side illo!
Love the difference between up and down. That granny
Nice work!eskimo look great!

Unknown said...

CUTE illo!! love the style

Anonymous said...

I love this picture. its seems so multimedia. I remember childrens books with topics like cutting a whole in the ice. I think its neat.

Linda said...

what a wonderful depiction of ice fishing.

Unknown said...

Well Montana isn't the only place with frozen lakes.
the fishermen here in Erie PA look forward to ice fishing on Lake Erie. And like Carla said I don't know why they like it.
Your illo is great.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely representation of the concept! Really effective.

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Nice illustration. The textures are great! And the choice of colours too.

These are quilts?

Kay Aker said...

Has that aurora borealis glimmer

Catnapping said...

Chuang, I think I may well make a quilt like this. a row of parka-wearing people, and just below a row of colourful fish. it might be a cute winter idea. thanks.


Ian T. said...

Brrr. I love the demarcation between the two halves and that origami looking fish!