I drew this with my mouse, so it's all digital...I did a quick sketch, but didn't scan it...so this is entirely digital. The clouds are white squiggles that I dilated, and then blurred, and then warped. The kettle was filled with green, and I used the light/dark tool to shade it...
I drew stems and leaves, and then put noise in them, and then used the edge-smoothing tool.
To see it at 800px, click on the image.
ohh this is pretty! i luv the way you did that edge tip tool as well.. i havent installed my photoshop yet (i wonder why.. lol) well im just too busy at work and still exploring ms paint..
btw, my illo for this week is also done entirely with my mouse.. hope you drop by..
A very fascinating image! Cool.
I like it alot, very lively and colorful
Thanks for all the technical info. I tend to forget that I could "mess" with layers separately! (I'm an experimental self-leaner with Photoshop... I'm probably only using 1/10th of it's capacity.
All I can think of is that old hit record by Vanity Fair: "Hitchin' A Ride". In fact, the darned melody is looping in my head and I might have to begin humming "It's A Small World After All" to get rid of it. Ut oh! The cure is worse than the disease! :O
I am a complete digital dunce! But I can appreciate clever stuff.(This would look good with my friend's ("potted palms.")
this is brilliant, what an unusual interpretation.
So THAT'S what an american kettle looks like! Heehee. We call our electric jugs that boil water 'kettles'. I love the new growth catching the light and the whole image looks great! Thanks for technical info - Photoshop is another world you can easily be lost in :)
That’s fabulous! I wish my mouse were that talented!
Pretty amazing no matter how the heck you made it. I like the thumbed pot.
Ha!! Made me smile. :-)
I think I know what our bird is. New photo and info. on my blog
Tres cool. Your style comes through intact, that's the bottom line. You'll have a blast exploring the digital possibilities should you stay with it.
Wow - very cool work with the mouse! This has such a surreal vibe - kind of magritte-like - and very cool! The delicate vines against the sky are so vibrant and fresh, and the concept is wonderful.
Apparently, my computer has a cheapo mouse, 'cause I can't get it to do anything remotely like that. Actually, I'm lucky if I can get it to click on a picture to enlarge. Fortunately, this time I could.
It's an awesome piece, Cat.
haha so great!!!
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